Photo Journal
Here you will find photos of cyanobacteria blooms as they occur on the lake. This page will be updated frequently with photos of cyanobacteria, the date, and the shoreline. If you would like to submit photos from your shoreline please email to the FWC Coordinator. (Photo credit will be added unless otherwise specified)
PowerPoint presentation of water quality during summer 2022 available here! Courtesy of John Costa
June 24th, Dicky's Brook
July 5th, Dewing Shore
July 6th, Dewing Shore
July 6th, Patton Shore
July 13th, North Shore
July 13th, Patton Shore
July 14th, Patton Shore
July 14th, Shore Road
July 14th, Black Woods
July 14th, Hammond Shore
July 15th, Lake Road (1 & 2), North Shore, Dewing Shore, Patton Shore, Camp Road
July 16th, Patton Shore (1 & 2), Shore Road
July 17th, Shore Road
July 17th, Mill Pond
July 20th, Westcott Shore (1 & 2), North Shore (3 & 4), Patton Shore (5 & 6)
July 25th, Patton Shore (Looking much better!)
July 28th, Westcott Shore, Dewing Shore
July 31st, Dickey's Brook/Lake Road
August 2nd, North Shore (Mostly pollen and other types of algae)
August 13th, Patton Shore, 9am
August 13th, Patton Shore, 10:30 am
August 15th, Patton Shore
August 16th, Hammond Shore (1&2), North Shore (2&3), Patton Shore (4&5)
August 20th, Dewing Shore, Dewing Brook, Black Woods
August 21st, Dewing Shore Outlet
August 22nd, Patton Shore, Westcott Shore (2, 3 & 4)
August 23rd, Shore Road
August 24th, Hammond Shore, mass clam die-off
August 31st, North Shore
September 2nd, Dewing Brook
September 5th, Patton Shore
September 7th, Westcott Shore (1), Patton Shore (2-4)
September 7th, Various Shorelines
September 8th, Patton Shore (1-5), Westcott Shore (6), Sandy Bay (7)
September 9th, Vic's Crossing (1), Patton Shore
September 10th, Patton Shore (1-3), North Shore (4-6)
September 11th, North Shore (1-4), Patton Shore (5 & 6), Westcott Shore (7)
September 11th, Camp Road
September 12th, Westcott Shore (1&2), Patton Shore (3 & 4), Black Woods (5)
September 17th, Patton Shore
September 17th, Hammond Shore
Video Credit: Ryan Larose
September 20th, Westcott Shore
September 21st, Patton Shore
September 30th, Lake Road (1&2), Shore Road (3-6), Patton Shore (7&8)
October 5th, Patton Shore (1-3), Vic's Crossing (4-5)