Find 2021 sampling data here
On Friday March 11, 2021, we took our first round of tributary samples! The tributaries were running thanks to a week of warm weather. The lake was gorgeous and we are looking forward to the results from this early season sampling. Samples were taken from 5 sites around the lake.
We took our second round of tributary samples on Saturday, March 20th. Flow was lower at all of the tributaries and the water looked much more clear than the first round. We are looking forward to seeing the results!
On Friday March 26th, we took our third round of tributary samples. There was heavy rain this day so the flow was good at the five sites sampled! Water was clear. Starting on the next sampling event, we will be adding additional sampling sites thanks to the continued support of the VT DEC.
On Tuesday, April 13th, we took our fourth round of tributary samples. This time we added 7 additional sites around the watershed which we will continue to sample throughout the remainder of the spring into the summer. It was a beautiful day up at the lake and the water looked good!
On April 26th, we took our fifth round of tributary samples. It was a brisk windy day up at Lake Carmi but beautiful nonetheless. It was exciting to see some greenery growing back despite the snowstorm last week!
On Friday May 7th, we took our sixth round of tributary samples of the season. It was a beautiful sunny day up at the lake following a week of heavy rain!
On Sunday May 23rd, we took our seventh round of tributary samples. Many of the tributaries had low flow but overall it was another beautiful day up at Lake Carmi!
On Saturday June 6th, we took our eighth round of tributary samples. It was a hot, windy day up at the lake and most tributaries were running low.
On Thursday, June 24th we took our ninth round of tributary samples. The two weeks prior to sampling were hot and dry. Only three sites had running water, the rest of the tributaries were dry. Pete Benevento joined to help sample!
On Friday July 9th, we took our tenth round of tributary samples. There was some rain the week prior however only two sites had running water.
On Monday, August 30th, we took our eleventh round of tributary samples. This was the first round of samples we were able to get in roughly two months due to the extremely dry weather we had over the summer. We were able to collect samples from 4 sites, 3 of which were along Marsh Brook, the lakes largest tributary.
On October 4th, we collected our thirteenth round of tributary samples. While we had some rain over the weekend, the majority of the tributaries remained dry. We were able to collects samples from 3 sites on Marsh Brook, along with one site on Alder Run. Despite the minimal flow of tributaries, it was a great day at the lake to admire the beautiful fall foliage.