The 2024 tributary sampling season has begun! Check this page for a biweekly photo journal of our tributary sampling efforts this year.
March 28th: Today we collected our first samples of the 2024 season! The snow had almost completely melted and the streams were running strong.
April 11th: On a rainy day in Franklin we were able to collect our second round of tributary samples for the season. The streams were still flowing at a healthy pace!
April 25th: On a sunny yet chilly day we collected our third set of tributary samples! It was so nice to get outside and soak up the sun.
May 9th: After a rainy day we collected another round of tributary samples. We are starting to get our data back and the phosphorus levels look relatively low for this time of year!
May 24th: The vegetation is shooting right up around the tributaries and the flows are settling down. It was a beautiful windy day for this round of samples.
June 5th: It was a sweltering day for our latest round of tributary samples and the streams were running very low
June 21st: The tributaries were back up to their normal flow levels after some heavy rain. The ducks were certainly enjoying it
July 5th: After a wonderful Fourth of July filled with fireworks and festivities, we collected another round of tributary samples!
July 12th: Bonus photos! After the severe rains on July 10th we went out and collected some important high-flow samples
August 1st: After another day of rain there were many cute critters to be seen around the brooks!
August 16th: Through the haze from the Canadian wildfires we were able to collect another full set of water samples!
August 30th: As the summer starts to wrap up we still have some beautiful days to collect samples. There were many frogs to be seen today!
September 13th: Despite the stretch of unprecedented dry weather, there was enough water flowing through the streams for some late summer samples
September 27th: A break from the dry spell we have had gave us a lovely day to collect some late-season samples.
October 10th: After the late season heat wave we finally had some cold fall weather for our final round of samples