Better Roads
Did you know that poorly designed or maintained roads can contribute to erosion and reduced water quality? Simple changes can make it cheaper and easier to maintain your road, as well as reducing pollution into the lake. When it comes to water we want to "SLOW IT, SPREAD IT, SINK IT". If your privately owned road or driveway could benefit from a larger scale improvement, contact us about grant possibilities and we may be able to help find funding. If your road is privately owned, but you are not the owner, urge the land owner to work with us to address the issues. In most cases, grants cover 75-100% of the cost. If you know of an issue on a town or state road, let us know and we will work to get it addressed!
Learn more about the importance of better roads with the DEC Better Roads Website.
Maintain private roads and drives to reduce erosion with the below guides:
Better Shorelines
Shorelines are also a very important part of water quality and another area we are currently focusing grant work on, and those who own property on the shore are subject to the Vermont Shoreline Protection Act. Although property directly on the lake is often of the biggest impact, any property hydrologically connected can make a difference. That means any property on the lake, a stream or tributary that runs into the lake and property around drainage ditches or streams of any kind, even if they may be dry much of the year.
Learn more about the Vermont Shoreline Protection Act and healthy shorelines:
Do you think your property could benefit from taking part in a small project such as adding pollinator garden or installing infiltration stairs on steep banks, like the ones pictured below? Do you have an idea for a larger scale grant project on your property? Contact us! We can help find funding for your water quality property improvement in the Lake Carmi Watershed.
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